Composition helps in this case a lot, like at old pictures, when portraits were decorated with beautiful background elements, curtains, Doric columns, and a landscape behind the back.
The same is with a baby: let it be. For example, a wedding picture of parents in a beautiful frame on the background, and you can place an asparagus twig on the forefront or at least the bars of a bed.
And you must be very accurate with light. You’d better direct the flashlight somewhere to the back. Pictures of children a little bit older turn out to be more expressive, when a child doesn’t know that he is taken picture of, or he knows, but is very much absorbed in his business – games or reading. How is it possible to photograph him in such moments? Sometimes one succeeds in doing it unnoticeably, but you have to attempt the other method, turning the process of taking pictures into an interesting game.
Show the camera to a child, then let him look in the view finder, and explain that the same will be in he picture. Do not be afraid giving a camera to a child, let him photograph his favorite toy. You will tell him that you begin taking a picture of this toy yourself. The child will surely begin to help you. Then you will find a lot of opportunities to take a picture of the child together with his toy. The child will do everything willingly, when he hears: “This is necessary to make your car, and a doll look well at the pictures”.
Quite often children get dressed in news clothes. What for? It happens rather often that it prevents children from feeling at ease and behaving unconstrained. Leave him dressed in customary (and better favorite) clothes.
Children get tired from shoot very quickly. One shouldn’t photograph him for a long time. You have to photograph him more often: the further, the more little men will look like themselves.